
Who's policing the police?

Click on blue highlights for more information As frustrating as the decision of grand jury in Ferguson was, America must face a much larger issue: An issue that's not only festering, but seems to be metastasizing in large cities around the United States of America.  It is an underlying illness with symptoms that manifest in decisions made by Darren Scott on the day that Michael Brown died, and choices made by George Zimmerman in regards to Trayvon Martin.  Though these acts do warrant reaction(s), they are merely the result of actions taken or lack thereof by our current leadership. As with any behavior, those bad behaviors that go unpunished might as well be labeled as good behaviors. When bankers lie and commit fraud to not only enrich themselves, but to also cause harm to others and their punishment is to be allowed to change the laws in such a manner as to legalize their thefts, the majority suffers. When prison corporations invoke their ability to lobby for laws that