
Bill Clinton Summed it Up . . . Perfectly

In November, American voters have a very clear choice. They can either believe the lies from the Republican Party; lies that include the Republican National Conventions slogan "We Built This". They can fall for the misleading ways in which Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and most of the GOP describe their vague plans for the economy, health care, the environment, education, domestic energy, taxes, etc. They could bury their heads in the sand and avoid the fact that the Republican platform this year seeks to repeal Roe V Wade and eliminate birth control, medicare, medicaid, increase the cost of college and cause harm that from which the Middle Class may never recover. They could do all of these things, or they could choose to go in another direction. Americans may be disillusioned with Barack Obama, but this should not be the determining factor in their decision this November. What should decide who they vote for in less than three months is which candidate has the best plan f

The Flaw With a "Trickle Down" Economy

The Trickle Down Theory is B.S.

We Built It . . . On A Foundation of Lies

It's strange to think that our country could be on the verge of electing outright liars to the highest offices in the Untied States of America.  Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan seem to have allergies related to the truth.  In a sense however, they are less to blame than the people who vote for them, because there really is no hidden agenda with that pair. Both of these leaders have told us all how they intend to screw the majority of the population over.  While, I know that most people who follow politics know this stuff, I will run down some of the biggest whoppers told by the Republican nominee and his sidekick.  Better yet, I'll let you here the lies from the candidates themselves: Now, those who are so adamant about electing Romney should remember the last time they thought they were making the right choice for president.  Bush wasn't that smart, his college grades reflected as much;  Bush was an recovering alcoholic; Everything Bush touched failed, including Am